Goose Control
Why use Complete Wildlife Control?
- Certified Goose Management Professional
- Certified Dog Trainer Animal Behavior College
- National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA)
- Iowa DNR-certified nuisance wildlife control operator

Complete Wildlife Control has been in business for fourteen years. One of our border collie’s fathers was the 2010 International Supreme Champion in sheep herding. He originated in Scotland. Also, the mother of our dog is a third-generation goose dog who is currently working in Canada.
Canada Goose Nesting Problems in Iowa
What to do about them?
Complete Wildlife Control LLC is a private company in Iowa permitted by Iowa DNR, Iowa dept of Agriculture, and US Fish and Wildlife to go beyond harassing geese. We are able actually to limit the reproducing capabilities of Canada geese. Once geese start nesting, they become very territorial and aggressive. We can prevent this aggression and restrict the size of a resident flock of geese. Remember, a pair of geese can become 50 in just a few years. Complete Wildlife Control will have state and federal permits to monitor wildlife.
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